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添加时间: 2012-09-09    点击:0


  除了五大技术趋势外,IPG媒体实验室还揭晓了对三大流行趋势的预测结果。 通过详细浏览国际消费电子展各个展厅,其中包括IPG实验室团队今年精心挑选的展品,将加深您对以上这些趋势的了解。

  1. 无缝接口


  同样,我们与设备的交互方式也在发生改变,而不同设备间的交互方式也变得更加无缝。视频不再仅限于电视屏幕,甚至都不限于个人电脑。您在车内即可通过智能手机享受所有娱乐服务,并可语音控制。 2012年将赋予“免提”这个词语新的含义。

  2. 资源共享


  视频也是如此,Netflix和Hulu Plus等流媒体服务可以通过游戏机、Roku等单机设备或直接通过电视上安装的应用程序传送视频。尽管在未来几年里我们将看到越来越多的“机顶盒”(根据MAGNAGLOBAL估计,到2015年拥有机顶盒的家庭将达9%),仍不表示传统电视机就寿终正寝了(还记得录像机吗?)。该应用面临的最大障碍是所需宽带的可用性和价格。

  3. CDO(首席数据官)日益吃香


  如果想利用庞大的数据取得成功,关键是找到并管理最有价值的信息,那么公司就越来越需要仰仗合适的人选从事此项工作。 首席数据官,十年前仅有少数公司设立,而如今普遍成了各大公司必不可少的职位。 他们不仅负责带领一支技能熟练的分析师队伍,同时还帮助首席营销官解决了这个夜不能眠的烦恼。

  4. 实体企业奋起反击

  随着利润被大肆瓜分,实体企业品尝到了网络销售竞争对手带来的苦果,他们需要加强自身的数字营销能力,以保持竞争力。 2012年将是实体企业奋起反击的一年,他们将带着新的数字武器,带给客户更高级的店内体验。

  A.) 现实世界资料搜集――数字领域近日推出了一系列虚拟对象测量、追踪功能。然而,受众测量工具,如面部识别、眼睛跟踪和WiFi传感器正帮助建立公平的竞争环境。现在可以追踪店内及其附近的人数,或通过数字标签得悉他们的性别和年龄等信息。 由这些工具搜集到的数据可以帮助企业更了解客户,从而做出更有利的决定,提高收益。

  B.) 数字购物助理――尽管2011年52%的智能手机用户选择通过手机进行假日购物,提供特殊购物助理应用程序的零售商却仅有19%。开发先进的应用程序,提升店内体验是获得顾客忠实度和打败网络零售商的决胜关键。

  C.) 室内绘图――谷歌最近承诺将提供室内绘图服务,这预示着零售商将有越来越多的机会为客户定制服务,并根据其位置给予忠诚奖励。 通过零售商的应用程序,消费者在家就可创建购物清单,并在店内轻松找到所需物品和相关服务。

  5. 迎合未来消费人群

  如今的孩子是“互联网的一代”,他们从没有离开过万维网生活过。他们也精通最新的消费电子技术――根据PBS 2011年5月的调查,70%拥有iPad的家长让他们的孩子经常使用它们,并且有越来越多专为6到12岁的儿童设计的应用程序。最近,微软的Xbox Live市场新添加了使用Kinect的“芝麻街”系列,使儿童可直接与屏幕上的人物互动。



  1.“2012将是NFC(近场通讯)年” ―― 尽管近场通讯有很大的潜力,但在2012年仍面临一些阻碍,无法取得突破,成为主流。支持该技术的手机数量有限,而且除非所有主要制造商一致认可NFC在诸如蓝牙4.0这样的竞争平台中的运用,否则市场仍有可能分散发展。 用户还需时日完全改变消费方式,采用手机钱包模式;忠诚度计划和便捷的信息传递很可能主导NFC取得成功的第一步。

  2.“剪掉有线电视线是种时尚” ―― 2011年,我们看到少数高管高调发表以上言论,而另一些则发出有线电视即将全线崩溃的预警。事实情况介于这两个极端之间,剪掉有线电视线(或“机顶盒”)现实可行,不会影响流媒体服务进行,但绝大多数用户仍会选择传统有线电视。

  3.“您需要定制自己的QR码” ―― 虽然采用QR码的人数继续小幅增长(当前美国智能手机用户中仅有6%多的人使用),无法快速扫描代码仍然是该设计面临的主要问题之一。比利时创新中心VIGC最近的一项研究发现,旧款智能手机实际不可读取的代码数量惊人。目前,保持代码的简单和可扫描,而不是追求名牌商标,将对销售商更为有利。

  以上趋势和预测来自IPG实验室管理合作伙伴Chad Stoller和David Rosenberg。

  1. The Seamless Interface

  Although keyboards and mice have by no means disappeared, the ability to interact directly with your device has become a standard for the most popular consumer technologies. Research firm Displaybank estimates that close to 900 million touch screen units of all types will ship in 2012, while Microsoft’s Kinect―the fastest selling consumer electronics device in history―has eliminated the need for touch altogether. Kinect for Windows is slated to become available in early 2012.

  In much the same way interaction with our devices is changing, the way they interact with one another is also becoming more seamless. Video is no longer the exclusive domain of the television display or even the PC. Your smartphone can power your entire entertainment experience while in the car, and respond to spoken commands. 2012 will bring new meaning to the phrase “hands-free.”

  2. De-Ownership

  Whether or not they fully understand how the cloud works, consumers have already embraced the streaming paradigm, whether it’s through their PC, in their car, or in their living room via game console. For music, it began when CDs started to fade in favor of digital downloads, and has now progressed to customizable streaming services like Pandora and Spotify, which eliminate the need for any type of storage―hard drive or otherwise.

  Video has begun traveling a similar path thanks to streaming services like Netflix and Hulu Plus, which can deliver video through game consoles, stand-alone devices like Roku, or directly through apps installed on connected TVs. Although we see the “over-the-top” phenomenon increasing in the next few years (MAGNAGLOBAL’s estimate is 9% of households by 2015), it’s still not a death knell for traditional TV (remember DVRs?). The biggest obstacle for adoption will be the availability and pricing of appropriate bandwidth.

  3. Rise of the CDO (Chief Data Officer)

  The increasing volume of information captured by enterprise, multimedia, social media, location- based platforms, and the Internet of Things has created an ocean of data on consumer behavior. The ability to analyze this deluge of information and turn it into actionable ideas will become a serious competitive advantage in the marketplace. A recent Corporate Executive Board (CEB) survey revealed that Big Data is one of the three top issues keeping CMOs up at night―with the danger of “analysis paralysis” looming large.

  If the key to big data success is to identify and organize the information of greatest value, companies will need to increasingly rely on the right person for that job. The Chief Data Officer, a position which a decade ago existed at relatively few companies, now seems poised to be indispensable to corporations in a wide variety of fields. They will not only be tasked with staffing a team of skilled analysts, but will also help their CMO counterparts sleep better at night.

  4. Brick and Mortar Strikes Back

  As brick and mortar retailers continue to feel the pain of online competitors cutting into their profits, they will need to step up their digital game to stay competitive. 2012 will see brick and mortar retailers fighting back with a new set of digital weapons to enhance the in-store experience:

  A.) Cookies For The Real World
